Tuesday, March 23, 2010


We are in production for our May presentation of Alice in Wonderland. Directed by yours truly, the possibilities of this play are endless and fun. It is the kind of play that really speaks to my funny bone, because the characters are twisted, neurotic, subversive, uncooperative and sometimes just plain mean. And yet Alice rises above all this and gets out unscathed. I love it. It has always been a favorite of mine and the opportunity to direct is making me very happy. That being said, we are all in for a bumpy ride. 24 hours in a day is becoming problematic. I have to figure out a way to better manage my time, and my energies. Surrounding myself with good people has already been done and it does help. Now I think I just need better meds. I am having a procedure done on Thursday that requires sticking needles into the muscles of my legs and monitoring the electronic response to different stimuli. Let me just say this-aaaaaaaaaggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh. I am not even close to being brave. I am a wuss, and this will be a festival of wussdom. Trust me-I know my limits. Needles and Jen-not a good combination. But supposedly it will help the neurologist in prescribing appropriate and effective pharmaceutical aids. For me, that is the key word. I'll do anything to be out of pain, so, needles it is. I'm bringing the knitting needles with me so that I can re-focus on something else. I may also use them to jab the Dr. if he gets a little too over-ambitious. Whatever. We'll see how it goes. Posting at least once per week has become my writers goal. And now that I am attending a writer's group at the Senior Center, I am responsible to myself for producing some type of creative effort. The blog has been so much more effective as a writing tool than a journal ever was. What's the point of writing if no one is to read it? I was never a good journal writer-no feedback. So, this is this weeks post-hopefully, there will be others, because so far I'm not impressed. But if you throw enough spaghetti against a wall, eventually SOMETHING will stick. That's my new motto. I'm throwing lots of pasta.

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