Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Administrative Professionals Day

Congratulations all you hard working unsung heroes of the office world. You deserve a banquet. Pat yourself on the back, it's likely to be the only pat you'll get. We had few obligations yesterday, and accomplished great things here in the north wing. Jerry installed beautiful rustic molding on the doorways, and we're almost ready for a paint treatment. Or wallpaper. I'm not sure yet. Living with it for awhile. That always helps. I had a theater meeting last night, and the group is quick thinking and motivated. I love being a part of it. I'm hoping to get some studio space soon and start up with the tap dancing. It's time. Now that we're "working out" at the Y, I feel like dancing is not far behind. Here's a link you may enjoy:
Kind of makes you want to strap on those tap shoes doesn't it? That's where i'm at today. Move it! Move it! Breezy Point here we come!

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