Friday, April 22, 2011

Winter Redux

I am saying a hopeful "welcome spring" although the thermometer this morning said 28 degrees. It does burn off quickly and makes way for a warmer afternoon, but still, at the end of April I would like to report that spring things are moving along. The crocus' that I saw while laying in the pond with Jake have not made any more progress since I was there. The only growth I have seen are the weeds in the pond, and they are growing thicker each day. Why is that? Why is it that the weeds seem to be growing while none of the beauty flowers are getting any larger? Isn't that always the case? In the happy department, what I am seeing more of are birds! Birds of all feathers are flocking to our sanctuary and enjoying the new feeders are suet containers we hung last week. The finches are flitting here and there, and making their presence know all over the fields. The old saying "birds of a feather flock together" is never more obvious than with finches! Yes they do! It is remarkable to me how an abrupt turn left or right is made by birds in a flock on a split second of time! Left! And left they all turn, continuing their urgent flight to whichever tree or branch they decided on. It is a tightly choreographed flight that is remarkable in its abilities. If you asked me which of God's creatures had the precision of a marching band, I would not have said birds. And yet, they are the only ones that move with that kind of forethought and arranged movement. I don't tire of their show out my back window. No matter how bad the weather appears each day, I never tire of the view I am blessed to own. The wind was howling yesterday, strong enough to send a heavy metal deck chair across the yard. Strong enough to force Bailey to find safety behind the wood stove in the kitchen. If we remember back to the first Days of March, how beautiful and warm and lovely they were, I am also reminded of the old saying "March, in like a lamb, out like a lion." I think maybe that here in the northeast that saying can be extended into April. Perhaps the writer lived south of here? Because spring here in the Northeast saves itself until the first part of May. I don't think we'll see the warmth of spring until the beginning of May. I am learning the ways of upstate NY. We are more closely related to Canada than to Long Island when it comes to weather patterns. And the weather pattern here means that the winter doesn't end until May. So I continue to watch the birds and keep myself close to the pellet stove for warmth. Lounging on the back deck will not happen until the warmth of the sun reaches our chairs. I wish all of you a Happy Passover and a Blessed Easter. Wherever you are, I hope you find the sun!

1 comment:

Jerri said...

A very wet spring is here in KY. Is that your house in the picture. It looks quite similar to ours. I've always wondered what the stars are for? I see them on lots of houses.
You're a spinner? I'm a weaver.