Saturday, April 2, 2011

Updates From Caroga Lake!

Hello Gang, Its Been a while since you have seen anything from me here on this blog , so here are some updates from Caroga Lake. This photo is from Feb.2010, was looking for some photos to post for this blog, came across this one I had taken of Jen and said " why not?" Best photo I have seen so far.
Not sure where to start so I will Just jump in some place and most likely jump around.
We are just starting to see some Spring here, then it snows again. This morning,April 2nd we had white out snow storm and now the sun is out and it looks like we are going to get a lot of sun and loose some of the ground snow. ( Jumping) As you know we have a new Grandson eight months ago, Mike Jr., he is growing fast, we miss not seeing him everyday. We can't wait to have him up here running around. Rumor has it that he is starting to talk and his 1st words are Pop-Pop Jerry and then MoM-Mom Jen........I'm Just saying , That's what I heard!!!
Jen and Allie have been on the college hunt for last few winter months as that time is getting near for Allie, she is a junior here in Johnstown HS. Reports are that Allie is doing very well in school and she is going to go far in what ever she decides that she wants to do.
Walter is all over with his job on the Tug Boat.... last I heard he was down south with the boat and enjoying a break from the weather of NY Harbor, On the other hand Jackie was home keeping all warm and ready for Walters return. Brian, one of these days is going to get out of the Police Academy and on the Prowl out in Suffolk, Ash would like to have him around more. Jackie,Jessie , Mike & Nicole all seem to be thriving.
Jake ( our oldest dog) has seemed to have made it through the winter, Bad hips. Been giving him doggie aspirin and Glucosamine Sulfate which has seemed to help. Daphne is getting 2 shots a day of Insulin because she is Diabetic , seems better and has lost weight.
Bailey is having the time of his life, running and jumping and guarding the front porch and running and.........
Jen's been Wall Papering and bathroom painting over the winter. Jen's been horse back riding in the evenings, learning proper care and grooming of the horses. I stopped by the horse farm last week to watch Jen & her horse, Smokey ride around but was too early and only got to see grooming as that seems is a large part of this new horse thing...reports are that they are going to learn some new grooming stuff next week......I'll let her fill you in on that one.
Jen seems to love it and reports are that soon she will be out on a trail ride, maybe up in these parts.
Maple Syrup sap is running hard and Dave down the road is boiling as fast as he can, taking in 100 gals a day, boiling 80 gals a day.... Fred needs to come up with a means to boil faster, maybe a pressure cooker would work!
We have also been tinkering around the house and cabin down by the lake. Lake house before the snow came hard here we got one of the 3 bedrooms almost finished, paneling , Sheetrock and insulation. Trim will be next then we move on to the other rooms and a septic holding tank after the weather breaks a little more. Jen's been guiding the gravel guys when ever we get a break in the weather and she has seemed to have solved the MUD problem for now, so far six dump trucks of gravel have been spread as a base in front of the house.
I have been working in Albany 5 days a week doing security work and burning $500-$600 a month in Gasoline.....Whats up with That? Gas has been going through the roof, I'm afraid to pass a gas station and not fill up as in a blink of an eye the price jumps up.
I miss being home with my Bride everyday.
Summer is just around the corner and I suspect that we are going to be spending much more time down at the lake, enjoying our self's and getting it ready for visitors to spend some vacation time.
Well that's about it for me........I see Jen's got some new Blog Followers, I'm sorry to those new followers...I'm not as good as Jen . Just like a Chicken Pecking away at a key board.
"Having the Times of Our Lives!" Til Next Time Gang.........Jerry

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