Well Gang it's been a while since I posted, Jen's Been keepin ya up to date so I don't feel so bad.
Of course the Biggest news is the Birth of our Grandson, Michael. We did already have a Granddaughter, Payton and we love them both very much. Last weekend Nicole & Mike had little Michael's Christening on Long Island which we attended and had a marvelous time .
It was so good to see all the family and kids, Uncle Tommy and his family, Mom-Mom Rosa even made it up or over from P.A. with the assistance of my Brother ,Tom.....Thanks Guy.
The whole day was a Great One. You have seen the pictures that Jen's posted of Her and Baby Michael.. Is Jen Getting Younger ? Gotta love those two !
Plenty of stuff going on here too in Caroga... Jen & I have been working our fingers to the bones, Living room has new hardwood flooring, Windows and walls & ceiling new a couple of months ago.
Jen has found mostly all the new living room furniture that she likes and if it ain't here now it will be in the next couple of days...New area rug in the living room too to give it that warmer feel.
The house has been sided and made such a change in it's curb appeal.
Jen & I have also been working on the Lake House , it needed some foundation work, that being done it's time to move on and get that inside completed so that family can use it soon.
We have decide to make one of the 3 bedrooms into a Bathroom as all we had was an Outhouse on the backside of the property. Keeping the Outhouse for Emergencies .
Jens excited about the Lake House Project...She has curtains picked out...I on the other hand am only thinking about the gutted walls that that we still need to deal with, all the ripping and tearing...I'm sure we will come together and the "Lake House" will come out Great!
Well that's about it for now..For faster updates......Follow us on FaceBook.
Til next time Gang....Jerry
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