Monday, July 12, 2010

Updates From Caroga Lake

Well Gang, Been a while since I blogged so here goes. Been A hot summer for me as I like it between 66 & 68, temps have been running last week in the mid to high 90's. Jen liking the temperatures a little better then me . We have had the A.C. on and she has been walking around the house with a sweater on. Not keeping it at 68 but low 70's. Well today A.C. off this morning and windows open.....Seems all will be happy. Jen & I got invited yesterday out on our friends pontoon boat for a nice slow ride & swim out on Caroga Lake. Thanks Dave & Cathy! The water was just wonderful, clean, clear and warm enough to stay in for awhile. I Did get burnt on some areas that have not seen sun light this year . Jen's been home for a little while from the Glove regrouping after a little set back. You have read her blogs so I wont go into it. Just glad that she is doing better, Love You! All the Kids seem to be thriving in their lives . Any day now we could be getting the phone call that our Grandson has arrived.....Could be pushing it ...Nicole due 7-or 8th of August. Brian Started with the NYPD last week and is loving it. Go Brian! Next weekend Jackie & ????? coming up for a couple of Days, My Mom will also be making her 1st trip from P.A. to Visit next weekend, for a week. Walter I see & hear is having a great time out in Montauk L.I. Fishing after a Break from working out in NY Harbor. Ali taking advantage of NO SCHOOL and catching up on missed sleep from the days that she had to get up early for the school bus. No pictures of the garden this year cause it just did not make it in. It's over grown and soon I will have to get in there and knock down some of the weeds. Bailey loving the front porch and the cool ground under it, Jake is having a hard time getting around these days as his hips are hurting. Jake spending a lot of time in one place or the other and Barking out his requests to us.... Daphne also this year starting to show her age....Sorta like me...Getting old and having some pains from time to time getting around. Jen & I have been working on the living room and it's coming out fabulous, rough cut wood boards on the walls and ceiling. New larger pasture facing windows have really opened up the view. In the next few weeks the front porch railings will be installed . Jen & I seemed to have located the perfect siding while out on a day trip North of here.. Now to find who sells it. Jennifer has come into the room so I'll end this and spend the morning with her and not the Keyboard. Til Next time Gang,..........Jerry Having the Times Of Our Lives!

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