This is the term used in theatre before a performance to wish "Good Luck" to the cast and crew. It has its origins in that actors were sometimes thrown coins if they put on a good show. The idea was that bending to pick up the coins would result in "Broken Legs", and therefore, "Break a Leg" meant get lots of coins. I, however, took it one step further and may have possibly broken my leg, not because I was bending for coins, but because Alice in Wonderland had some set pieces which were very small, since Alice had grown a number of times. In the dark, and crossing the stage during a rehearsal, I smashed my shin into Alice's little table, and sure if the damn thing didn't smash my shinbone. I have not taken myself to the ER yet, because that would result in more hoopla than I am willing to get involved in (you're diabetic? We need to do more tests on you!) And so, I am suffering silently (not so much-ask Jerry) but I think it will be OK. The swelling is somewhat down and the bruising is getting yellow now. At any rate, Alice was a success and happily the show is now over. Worth every minute of the hard work and creative vision. I loved it! Next on our list is Amelia Earhart. This drama is going down June 25 - 27, and thankfully, I am not the Director. I will supervise from afar. Which means we're back on the farm at night, and enjoying each other's company. I love leaving the city and going home to the country, albeit eight miles. Which is interesting, because that is the mileage commute I had when I lived in Glen Cove and commuted to Port Washington. Eight miles. And yet, a very different commute for sure. Now it is laced with nature and fresh air. For me, the key to happiness. Just the drive to the theatre brings me joy. We go quickly here from winter to spring to summer. Just a passing couple of week. Summer means people are driving with kayaks on their roofs and walking around in camo because it is turkey season (or some kind of season). I am heading out this weekend to grab my fishing license at WalMart, and off I go. I believe Saturday is the day. Whatever your plans this Memorial Day weekend, remember our vets, and honor them with your freedom. Enjoy the weekend!
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