As I do every year, I have recently taken a look around the house, so warm and comfortable during the winter months, and decided that everything has to go. It is a rite of spring, this cleaning bug. One must feather one's nest in time for the change of seasons, and spring cleaning is the first step in prepping our little corner of the world for spring and summer and all the activities and enjoyments that go with the good weather. We're ready. The house is not. First of all, spring cleaning would normally involve window washing. As the pellet stove is still running 24/7, this is an effort in futility. We won't be turning off the pellet stove until the weather is consistently hovering around 60-65 degrees. This is based upon my inability to get warm, ever. So sitting by the stove and roasting my toes will continue on until my toes are in flip-flops, which is still a bit down the line for me. No windows will be cleaned today. We are also in the process of finishing the last room in the house, the living room. Jerry has ordered the Kiln dried wood for the walls and ceiling, and we will soon be pulling up the carpet/tile/ugliness that was here when we bought the house. This is big news. Even the dogs will be happy to see that mess go. The wood floor will be extended from the kitchen straight through the living room, up to the pellet stove and the windows, which are being replaced also. As you can see, this is a rather large project that will involve a big mess. We are weeks away from beginning this process, and I am not interested in getting everything all spring cleaned only to turn around and have it trashed through construction projects. I have lived through that-I have gotten wise over the years. So, essentially, spring cleaning is losing its sense of importance. Because no matter how we take it on, it will be mostly undone by the projects of the home. So I guess I am safe to say that for the moment, I am off the hook. Which brings me to my original judgement of life, which is that we should all just go fishing. I am gearing up for that activity as soon as the ice melts from the Sacandaga River. I pass by the creeks and streams on my way to work, and they are still lined with ice and snow mounds. The water swirling beneath the slowly melting winter cover is getting more and more active, thrashing the shores and wearing down the last evidence of winter. As soon as I can see a clear path to the river, you will find me standing knee deep in the rushing clear water with my fly rod and my waders and my Genny beer. That is MY spring cleaning. I will clean out all the stress and troubles in my mind and just watch them float away. Much easier. No Pledge or Febrize involved. Just some dry flies and a couple of beers. I'm sure Martha Stewart will be horrified, but as I have been telling my loved ones for years, I'm Not Martha. Yay Spring. By the way-the Pictures are the Lake at Caroga Beach Association. Nothing to do with the Sacandaga River, but simply a view of the water (Any Water)after it has melted-docks are going in and the mud is drying up. Something I am looking forward to. Thought I'd share. . .
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