I put the pictures in the Blog in the wrong order .....But here they are anyhow!

Bailey thinks he is a lap dog. and will put himself in your lap any chance he gets.
On the days we hear gunshots outside in the woods, a Lap is good......under the bed better!
He came from down south in the Carolina's but my guess he does not come from a hunting blood line.
Jen's looking good as she has been enjoying herself at"The Glove Theatre".. She works many hours and is giving them 200 percent.
I also am down there as a volunteer and only put in 20 hrs last week.
I think Jen's doing 60 or more....In at 8 am and out at Midnight some times on the weekends.
OK here are the """"BUCKET O' BEES""""""

This is what the honey goes into from the hive and then into a filter then into jars.
This was a bucket that I was working with in the last couple days and has a little honey left inside.
I hung this bucket on the garden fence last night to get it away from the front porch area where I had been jarring.
Today the front porch has about 4,000 bees flying around because the honey smell is still strong by the porch . They don't bother me or the dogs because they are only looking for honey but they can be a little scary to others.....No door to door sales persons today!
Ali has her 1st swim meet today at 4:30 at home...... I will be there cheering her on ...Jen too
Maybe a picture or two.
The weather here has started it's change...... We are having "Cool, Crisp" mornings in the low 50's and upper 40's. I suspect that that will only be for a while....
The Maple Trees have already started to turn Red and Yellows mixed in with shades of Green.
Small piles of leaves are starting to form aprons around the Maples, Birch trees are not far behind.
Last night at about 7 pm I had the Pellet stove on for about an hour to just take the chill of the inside of the house.
Hey guys....Come up and visit......See some leaves change, view the lake, pick some apples,maybe kayak or get in a show at "The Glove"
Til Next time Gang.......Jerry
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