Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summer Vacation

I have always loved summer vacation. Even after I had children and would watch those commercials where the parents are dancing around because summer vacation is over? I never agreed with that. The non-scripted days of summer are the best time of year. They are when you really get to know your kids and to spend time with them without being told how to behave or how to "produce". They are just "time spent". Without that time, kids never learn how to veg. How to just fill their day with their own musings or activities. Without referees, coaches, teachers, directors and sometimes even friends. Just fill your day. How many of us are comfortable doing just that? It is an art. And I can proudly say I have mastered it. My response to kids who said "I am bored" was "you are boring". Its not my fault. I was not put on this earth to entertain. I was put here to feed, clothe, educate, protect and love. Entertainment is not part of my contract. When summer hits, I will gladly hike, camp, swim, read, bike ride, catch fireflies, track snails, hammock occupy and paint right along side of the kids. I am well qualified and very experienced at this. We can do it together. But entertain? No. That they will find out on their own. And now as adults (most of them) I can see that they are also well qualified to occupy their time. None of them are ever bored. The only complaint I ever hear is that there isn't enough time in the day. They all recognize that down time is precious and should be appreciated. My work is done. Allison (still in training) does sometimes utter those words "I am bored". She too is learning that this is a slippery slope with me. If you like, I can fill your day for you. There are chores here that I hate to do and would be happy to share. Even sleep is an acceptable way to spend most days. I am pretty lenient when it comes to sleeping in, because it is also one of my favorite activities. I get it. However, around 1 or 2 PM on the third consecutive day you will find me yelling up to the loft, 'GET UP NOW!" There's a limit. The job thing is tough because she is back and forth visiting, so for now, that's out. Her time for working will come. However, bored is not an option. We are day three into the vacation. Let the games begin.

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