Here is the cast of the 2009 Blessed Trinity Parish Show. We were quite amazing, as always, and felt it appropriate to bring the party next door to the Bay House after the show and relive each number because it was, well, great. The after-party didn't include the children, and so we were free to stay until well after 2:00 A.M. I haven't done that in a long time. The only time I see 2 AM nowadays is that pre-dawn trip to the bathroom. Not so in Breezy Point. We were stars. It was so much fun.

The Bay House is right next to the Colony Theater, overlooking Jamaica Bay. The Friday Night fireworks at Coney Island are practically right above your head. It's a tough gig. Clearly we are all hanging out just because we felt we should. Actually, the Cougars were running the show at the bar. Rarely do we see young 20-somethings coming to the door and overlooking OUR party, wishing they were with us. That's what was happening. The older ladies were dancing with the youngsters and giving them a few moves that were tough to follow. As it should be. We're not dead yet, although you will notice there were no pictures of the after party after morning. Thank God I stuck to O'Dhouls. Can you imagine the damage with alcohol? The Friday night show is always a little better because we've all loosened up by then. Quite loose as a matter of fact.
Maryanne O'Neil shared her talents and made the road trips with me. A great addition to the cast.

I took alot of pictures and realized only today that not everyone is comfortable appearing on the internet at an after-party. This is probably a wise call.
This last picture is two people whom I don't know and who had nothing to do with the show, but insisted that I take their picture and demanded that I include them in the blog, but never told me their names of who they were or anything. They should have stuck to O'Doul's as well.

Nevertheless, here they are. We'll call them drunk bar guys cause they'll never see this. If you know them, sorry. My bad.
And then of course, my biggest fan. He drove 9 hours to get back to Breezy Point after holding down the fort all week (side trips, belt parkway traffic, lots of complications). He showed up with a smile on his face and partied till the wee hours with the rest of us who think shows are the greatest thing in the world. He is my gem. I will say it one more time, because I want to. Thanks Jerry. You are an amazing guy.
Saturday morning, back to Port Washington, more singing with Clint and Onnie (sp?) and family time.

Jerry and I both had a great time. Thanks kids. You are amazing.
The word of the day: Reservations.
At least we all know how to laugh.
And then the trip home. As always, gorgeous skies and quiet nights. Allie and I had a good time taking pictures of one view after another and discussing the differences between upstate and downstate. It was amazing. We're back to farming and spinning and bees and dogs and new projects and new friends. How lucky am I?
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