Tuesday, April 21, 2009


As Jerry said, It's raining again. I am quite disappointed in the growth of the pasture, and do feel that it needs to be seeded again. It is still early in the spring, and this rain will help towards growth as well, but it is still spotty in places, and I'd like to get it filled in BEFORE we have grazing animals. Apparently, this is the week to do it. We have been busy and now that we are members of the YMCA we will be even busier. This is a good thing. Anything that gets us out of the house and exercising is GREAT! The facility is amazing and I am thrilled to be a member. I have been attempting to get out there and walking to build up my stamina, and the weather is a deterrent for me quite often. Especially in spring, when the scenery is beautiful but the temperature is cold. The elliptical has MP3 headphone hookups and five TVs are running simultaneously with different channel choices. This will help me tremendously. If I can watch another episode of Trading Spaces while walking, I know I will keep up. Speaking of Trading Spaces, anyone who knows the Rowlands knows that re-arranging the furniture is a family trait. I am guilty of this and have been known to rearrange furniture in a travel trailer. Yes, it's possible. I am a firm believer that spring cleaning requires room placement changes. It's not really clean until you have moved its position. Jerry is not a fan of this trait, but his usual cooperative self always gives me a hand when I need it. We did get some cleaning done in the Living Room, and since we are awaiting the installation of two large picture windows, the living room has suffered in the decorating department. Just changing the furniture placement allows me to have some progress, even if it is not decorative. After that, we moved on to the Y, where I managed to get in a mile or so. Baby steps. Between the hot tub, the steam room and the sauna, I felt like a million bucks. Normally after a furniture rearrangement episode I am hobbling, but this time, I was rocking! A little tylenol and I was good to go. I awoke this morning and gingerly placed my feet on the floor - no pain! This whole membership thing might work for us. Socially, it works for me. I met a few people there that I already know - apparently the Y is a hangout for quite a few people. I like this. People who are into exercising and having fun. There is a raquetball court there. I think Jerry an I need to sign up for some good old competitive fun. We all know how uncompetitive we both are. (Side bets will be taken at rufflestuff@aol.com ) Ain't spring grand?

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