Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stomach Bug

Stomach bug has been going around here and today is the 1st time that I have been up and about since Tuesday night. On Tuesday night took the my second class on Stained Glass, (Jen Got me the class for Christmas and I am loving it). It seems that we as a family don't get as sick here in the north Country as we did living on Long Island. Seems that we are not so exposed to bugs here. As you read Jen had it 1st for a few days then it grabbed me. Seems I suffered with it only 2 days. I spoke to one of my son's, Brian and he had it,... it is going around down state too. Must of picked it up from Jen or while we visited down on the Island last weekend. The weather here has been cold, 10 degrees here at 5 pm and crisp. With a slight wind which makes walking the dogs without gloves a no... no. Bailey still back on his lead as he finds it better to wander around and I'm not into searching for him in this weather. Looks like this Saturday I'm going to try some Ice Fishing for the 1st time with Dan if the weather goes up to 30 ish as they are reporting....We will see. I am also coming down to make a Honey Run in the next couple weeks so if you want some, e-mail me at and let me know . Dom & Bob I have your order marked down. On a sad note I received an e-mail that a former coworker ,Charlie Siesto passed away while living in Fla.. Seems that I was only working with him the other day and he was not that old. Looking back now I last worked with him 24 years ago, I recall the last day that he worked as I was there on his last day working. I must be getting old as in my mind he still is the youthful person I saw on his last day. Hell, I look at myself in pictures now a days and wonder who is that old guy? I'm still the same young guy looking out of my eye balls! They just put an old guy around my face. So.......On a good note ...Live Life, Dance , sing like no one is Listening , Love your family and Love the one you are with because we are not here for ever!!!! OLD MAN DANCE GIF Pictures, Images and Photos Whoooooo HOooooo!!! Til next time Gang.......Jerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Hell, I look at myself in pictures now a days and wonder who is that old guy? I'm still the same young guy looking out of my eye balls! They just put an old guy around my face."

Jerry, you've looked old for the last 10 years working with you know who....your only noticing it now??? who luvs ya baby...