Well Gang...... We did a little inside trim work which was long over due!
Jen and I hung half logs around a couple of arch ways and doors leading from the kitchen down the hall
Today it's over 40 outside and I'm working inside ....Go figure.
They say we are getting temps in the low 50's in the next couple days, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Ran out of trim molding to finish doors and archways.. The guy who made the trim from tree log measured but he must have lost the 2ND page of his amount list because I'm about 150 ft short.. Or he left it back at the shop.....We will see , I have a call into him for more or the missing trim.

Then it's base board and more flooring and the hallway is done!
Well got to do a little construction tool clean up and then it's outside to enjoy this sunny day.
Until next time Gang......Jerry
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