Friday, January 30, 2009

Two Wild and Crazy Gals

Allison and I went dancing last night and had a hoot! We were the newbies in a class of 20 or so, ages ranging from 6 or 7 to maybe 60? I think I might not have been the oldest one there, but I'm not sure. It's OK though. Everyone there was on the same page - dance and have fun! The younger girls are phenomenal, as are all irish dancers, Allison included. She of course was moved right into the advanced group (bye bye honey!) and I was not. I was struggling in the advanced beginner group, and hope to have my act together next week, after much tutoring from my in-house coach. We had a great time, and got to drive down to Sharon Springs which is a beautiful and scenic route through Amish town. The farms and views are just breathtaking, and we got a chance to chat and listen to some irish tunes, the only music that we really agree on, besides the Beatles. So all in all, it was a great success. These are our new friends . Check it out. The videos are fun and show what we're learning. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to soak in a hot tub!

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