I am tired down to my fingertips. Now that I have been on the road to recovery for two weeks, I am starting to get more involved in the renovation end of the house projects, helping Jerry every chance I get. This weekend, we took on the completion of Allison's bedroom, minus the carpeting. Every other aspect of her room is done. DONE!!!!! We finally finished the painting and the walls are actually covered with posters and pictures. All these things have been stored in boxes accumulating sheetrock/spackle dust, and now they have been strategically placed. Allison attended a Sweet-16 party on Friday night, so that was booked start to finish. Then Saturday morning arrived. It was a long day in which the three of us spent most of it dusting and placing, dusting and placing. Little by little, it is starting to look like a finished room. As the painting was being finished in the bedroom, the furniture and boxes of clothes were stored in the adjacent bathroom. So a big part of the project was weeding out and getting all this stuff into it's appropriate room. We are done. After that, we jumped in the car and went to town for a hair appointment because Allison was going to a school sponsored Winter Formal, which was really a semi-formal ( I don't understand either, but it's not about me). After that, she was staying at a friends house and spending the night. All of this required prep, driving and participation on our part. After we dropped Allison off, we drove to Utica (about 45 minutes to an hour) for dinner and a shopping excursion to Gander Mountain. If you've never been there or heard of it, don't feel bad. Neither had I. It is almost like EMS, only discounted. I could throw away everything I own and start my wardrove over, if I had the chance. I LOVE THIS PLACE. It is a sportsman's/sportswoman's delight. Everything is outdoors, warm, well made and discount. This is a mecca for upstaters. They stay open until 10 which is a huge benefit in a world that rolls up the sidewalks at 6 PM. We were happy. We ate at a hibachi/suchi restaurant that was similar to Benihana, but better. Hard to believe. I ate like a hog. We decided that ginger might be worth growing, as we all love it so much. These are the types of conversations held at our table, now that we're farmers. Of course, we haven't grown a thing yet, but it is a mindset. We're thinking about it. Alot. We arrived home at 11:30. Party on Garth. We are AARP members, so you must realize that this is considered reckless and wild. We were both exhausted, but only halfway through. Sunday morning was church and then back home to put the finishing touches on the upstairs (blinds, assembly, etc.) Jerry had lovingly put together his lasagne on Saturday, and we were due at the Rectory at 5PM for christmas caroling and pot luck supper. This pot luck was like I had died and gone to heaven. There was turkey, ham, casseroles, vegetables, potatoes, cakes, brownies, cookies, and of course, Jerry's lasagne. Need I say more? We are STUFFED! We arrived home at 9:30 after caroling all around Johnstown and Gloversville, a caravan of about 15 cars and 40 or 50 people. We went to homes of shut-ins and various assisted living facilities and nursing homes, singing carols and bringing holiday cheer. It was the kind of night that leaves you feeling good about the world, and determined to be a kinder and more caring citizen. All in all, it was a hectic and crazy weekend, and after Allison got on her bus this morning (another hair raising experience, but she made it), I crawled back into bed to catch a few more zzzzzz's before the porch guys arrived. Thank God my costume shop job is on haitus, I could never fit it into our schedule. This retirement thing is exhausting!
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