The verdict is in - surgery. I am actually glad to have some forward movement at this point. I have what is called a "frozen shoulder", and the reason I am hitting a wall in therapy is because. . . I am hitting a wall. I have adhesions and scar tissue from previous injury (last summer's fall while installing the wood floor in the kitchen) and the new injury (lifting the hutch) cannot improve with therapy because the scar tissue from the old injury - so. Removing the scar tissue and the debris in the shoulder cavity will allow a more aggressive physical therapy program - with PROGRESS! I AM ON BOARD. I don't know when yet, although I DO know it is after the 10th and 11th, when we are downstate to celebrate the retirement of Detective Rasiak, and the birthday of Jacqueline. After that, I'm free to be surgically improved. Ha Ha. anyway, that is yesterday's news. Today's news is that we found a Allison Wonderland costume (dress) that can be worn for other things, so Allison is happy, as am I. I Love killing two birds with one stone (again, those hunter analogies). We are battening down the hatches today, as they are calling for 4-6 inches of show in our area. I don't know if this is the start of "base" snow, or just a quick melt type of snow that will be gone by Friday - I'll keep you posted. Walter called from downstate to compare weather (I still think he missed his calling - he should have been a weatherman). After October 15th, Long Island's rain is our snow. That is what I am hearing. There is a reason everyone is buying their child's costume to fit over a snowsuit. I get it now! Daphne got a new T-Shirt yesterday, that says "Queen of the Dog Park". Apropos. Here is Blue in his halloween costume - "Blue Hefner (Cigar and all)" he is quite a guy.

I believe he is hosting a party on Halloween. He is quite the lounge lizard. Smoking jacket and all. I love that guy. So does Daphne. She has a negligee that goes with Blue's smoking jacket.

Quite a pair don't you think? As you can see, Daphne's midsection is busting out. We're all having that waistline problem. I could recommend an elastic waistband for her - we'll have to chat. Any comments from shoulder surgery alumni would be greatly appreciated. Keep those comments coming!
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