I remember back to one of our first vacations in Schroon Lake, and I can recall thinking "there's got to be a way to get this kind of peace in my life". The seed was planted as we both fell in love with the Adirondacks. We knew then that we would retire to the country somehow. After the children had all graduated and moved on. In the meantime we would search for a property that we could afford and enjoy our vacations and weekends. It was a great plan. We had four years of fun, fun, fun. The property we purchased in Caroga Lake was the epitomy of "handyman special". The value was in it's natural environment. Not in the house. It was more of a glorified tent. But we knew we could fix it up over time, and started doing just that.
As the plan gelled, we became more and more interested in defining our lifestyle when we retired. We researched and visited different properties to try and clarify our goals. We wanted to continue working after retirement, but on our terms. We visited an Alpaca Farm in Dolgeville - Alpacas of Raindance Pond. Owners Ulla and Richard became our friends and gracious hosts for numerous visits. We participated in workshops and hands on shearing clinics to gain experience. I learned how to spin the Alpaca fiber into yarn (in Brooklyn New York) and a passion was born.
While I was learning about spinning and fiber, Jerry was becoming quite literate in the life of bees. His interest took him to the Glynwood Farm in Cold Spring, New York, where he learned how to become a beekeeper. His first three hives were occupied in August of 2007. Another dream fulfilled.
On February 12, 2007 I experienced a heart attack. I have two cardiac stents in place, and a powerful understanding of gratitude. Sometimes God taps you on the shoulder and gives that "last dance" call. I choose to listen. With the help of Jerry, I immediately quit smoking (duh.) and set out to change my lifestyle. Our camp upstate became the sanctuary and we were clearly happiest when we were there. When our youngest daughter expressed the desire to make it our full-time home, that was all we needed to hear. The dream grew wings.
After much planning, negotiating and some true leaps of faith, we are now ready to take on the future. Whatever it brings.
"Today is the tomorrow you dreamt about yesterday."
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