As the superbowl approaches, I am again reminded of just how disinterested in football I really am. I get all the hype and commercialism surrounding it-if the Superbowl could be extended into a season, like Christmas, they would. Oh wait, they have. An entire season! Ugh. I can only say that football has given my movie viewing new life. Each time there is a big game, I am compelled to get myself to the movies and see something really worth watching. I used to be able to tolerate these games, before I was gluton-free. But now, even the snacks are boring. If you can't get your hands into a gooey and hot h'ors d'ouevre (sp?) than what really is the point? I think football was initially created by the makers of beer. I mean really, when was the last time a "cosmopolitan" was served at a ball game? It just doesn't fit. And so, I will most likely take myself to the movies for the big game, and leave the cheering/eating/drinking to the guys (and those girls who love it as well). I am so inspired by my sister-in-law who really LIKES these games. I've tried, truly. But I just can't help thinking that I would rather watch last season's reruns than this week's game. Sad but true. I actually do prefer watching golf on TV (I am
not being facetious here) I really do. Watching g)olf is a lovely way to spend the afternoon. Usually, the weather is fine (which is always a nice way to spend the day, on the warm and breezy links of Augusta GA), the fans are civilized and sometimes even whisper. You could have a cosmopolitan, or even just a nice lemonade or iced tea. Everyone is on their very best behavior, unlike the half-naked team-color painted lunatics who have spent the past five hours in the parking lot getting fired up and ready for the game. Anything that requires me to stay outside in sub-zero weather, eating sub-standard super-priced food is not on my bucket list. If I was given superbowl tickets-I would pass them on to those I know would enjoy the game. It's just not worth the effort of packing to get myself to Indiana. I'd rather be going to FLA if I'm going to be getting on a plane. Anything done in sub-zero temperatures should involve blades and rich hot chocolate. Skating perhaps? We tried it last weekend, and it was a raging success for the five minutes we spent on the ice. It was a cloudy and cold day, and it seemed like a great idea to get out our skates and head on down to the park at Littauer Field. They have resurrected this ice skating venue the past two winters, and from the looks of the crowds on the ice (NOT!) it's a raging success. Actually, I do believe there is a rabid ice hockey following, just not figure skaters. We managed to get our skates on, which is more and more difficult as we get a little older. There are no warm benches to sit on-just snow covered football bleachers. We did our skates on the back of Jerry's pick-up, and without those lace tools that the rink guards at Christopher Morley Ice Rink had, I was unable to get mine sufficiently tight. And so, with weak ankles, off I went. When your ankes don't have support (i.e. TIGHT!) it is nearly impossible to skate with any authority. I managed a few spins and photo ops, but then I was done. Sometimes, the bucket list just involves having done it-not the quality of the experience. Jerry had backed his serius radio up to the rink, and I was wistfully thinking how I would have loved to skate around the rink to the 70s station that I so love, but alas, it was not to be. The rink was still in need of a zamboni, and the divotted, snow-covered rink was in pretty bad shape. It needed a parent or someone to sweep/shovel away the 2.5 inches of partly cloudy that had accumulated on the ice. Not a smooth surface for a age-challenged skater. So, we got our shots (both photographic and verbal) and packed it in. The hot cocoa was indeed comforting, and we drove home laughing at our mutual limitations. Anyone for golf?
Jerry having some fun. . . |
. . . before the trip, and near miss. |
This is what weak ankles look like! |
What a beautiful rink! If only it were ice-ready!