Unlike today, Sunday was a glorious and sunny, crisp fall day. We decided to hike to the top of Kane Mountain and view the firetower. It is an elevation of 2200 feet-not a terribly difficult hike in the Adirondacks - others are much higher. But for me, this was Mt. Everest. I have not taken on this kind of physical activity in a long time. I have been trying to challenge myself each day, and this opportunity presented itself because a group from church had decided to go, and so, we joined them. Going in a group takes care of all the planning. Essentially, you just have to show up. We did, and off we went. The climb was on a well worn path, with bits of rocks and sloppy sections still wet with leaves from last week's rain. Easy enough.

As we progressed it got a little bit choppy for me because I'm just not used to this. Jerry was right with me all the way, and with the help of him and my climbing rod I was steady. At one point I thought I could hear indians in the distance, but that turned out to be my heart beating-which I guess is a good thing. I just don't usually hear it beating so vividly.

After taking a brief rest on a rock, we moved on.

All it all, I would say it took us 1/2 hour to 45 min. to reach the top of the mountain. Maybe an hour? Anyway, when Jerry produced a candy apple from the backpack he had prepared, I was told that I could sell it for upwards of $25. There were enough buyers. But he had packed it for me, and it was probably the most delicious candy apple I've ever had.

After taking a breather for a few moments and getting familiar with the surroundings, we decided to forge on to the top of the fire tower.

We climbed to the top, me first, Jerry behind me. Normally, I am not a big fan of heights, but this tower was there for me as a challenge, and having come this far I was not leaving with that undone. With each level we'd stop on the landing and look out. It had wire on all open areas, so I felt safe there.

The view got more and more beautiful as we progressed to the top. This was an amazing day. Looking out at the top of the fire tower I was so inspired at the landscape before and below me. I was grateful that we had made the hike, and so proud of myself.

We spent a good amount of time at the top, just taking pictures, wishing we could share the view at that moment, and taking it all in.
We took pictures of each other, and of all the views in all directions. Jerry's picture has mysteriously disappeared from our album. Nice Jerry. We saw them barbequeing at the bottom of the tower and headed down.

We explored the Ranger's quarters which is an old wooden house with just essentials, a bedroom, a private area and a living room. At one time they had Rangers who stayed at the top of these mountains and scanned for fires. Lonely and beautiful. We had our lunch (delicious barbequed hot dogs and chips) and after spending a beautiful afternoon exploring the top of Kane Mountain, we headed home.
At the bottom, we all split up and went our separate ways, even getting some beautiful scenery right next to the car.

What a wonderful day. We are incredibly lucky and blessed to be living in this natural playground, and I'm so glad we got to get out there and play. Today, I'm still a little stiff, but it was well worth it.

This is my pal who doesn't like to have his picture taken. Thanks Jerry, you were great.