Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Well,..... I guess no more posts from me!
Free car wash

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
catching up a little
Monday, October 26, 2009
Halloween Party & A Bear Shot down the Road
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Oddities and observations
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Broadway comes to the Glove !!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Just Another Caroga Lake Update
Jackie and Blue (Her Dog) came up for a visit the other day and it was a wonderful visit, We did not get to see as much of her this visit as we would have liked cause Jen worked at the theatre and we had Rehearsals for the up coming show this Saturday. We did miss her and it was good to she her. As Jen has said in her blog we are....I mean Jen is working her Butt off getting this show off the ground and Jen also getting the theatre working. Heat is now at the top of the list as it is slowly starting to come on... The Glove has so far that I have seen 3 systems and all of them need attention, Jen does have heat now in her office which is good. Jen's office is on the second floor over the theatre and has many steps up and down for her daily.. Jen's lost some weight doing those stairs , feeling good causing her to find smaller clothes. I think she was "Looking Great" already, I suspect she is enjoying it . I'll leave it at that....She Looks great now and she looked great then!!!!
For those of you in the area come out and see the show.
For those of you who cant make it I am in a costume that I'm glad the old crew from work will not be seeing. It's all for a good cause so I'm doing it, I have the camera so there will be no pictures.....
Jen's also looking to get the Dance classes going soon and has a great dance studio to practice
What a Place!
Well that's about it for now, Should be a great show, Jen's singing one number, I wish it was more.
To all the cast & crew.......Break A Leg !
Til Next time Gang.....Jerry (Pictures to Follow)