Thursday, July 30, 2009
"Special Brownies"
"Special Brownies".......... Wow must be a lot of 70's readers out there......Got a lot of responses already about Jen's "Special Brownies".
Just the normal ingredients.....
On that note ....Our garden has been growning very nicely!
Big changes since our last garden post!
More Photos of Carrie & Lorrie's visit
More Photos of Carrie & Lorrie's visit from last weekend.
Seems we crammed a lot into just a couple days
We took a walk down a trail at Willie Wildlife Marsh on the last day of the weekend.
This is one of the walkways that cross the marsh. Carrie stepping cautiously
Trail through the woods that leads to 2 beaver lodges.
Some signs that the Beavers had been hard at work.
lots to see....a type of lily Pad.
We also saw some frogs and birds.
Thought we took some photos of beaver lodge, but I guess not.
Anyhow the last couple of days Jen & I have been taking what we call....... easy .
But mind you that does not mean doing nothing.
We cut the lawn around the house and around the bee yard...with weed whacking it's close to 3 hours. Cleaning the house now for the next crew that are coming out to visit and oh yes Jen did a 4 hour round trip down to Newburg the other day to drop off Ali.
We Have the new pellet stove coming and being installed in a couple weeks and working on the amounts of pellets that we are going to need for the up coming winter.
Last year we ordered this time of the year 5 tons of pellets and only used 3 1/2 tons.
On the phone today trying to figure the correct amount for this year as the new and approved pellet stove is larger.
Kind of a neat stove. On this one you can set the temperature and it will back it's self down and if need be shut it's self off. When heat needed it then will restart it's self.
Last day of July almost and we are already thinking this winters heating.
Any how we are waiting for Jackie ,Jessie's & Blues arrival on Friday night. Been too long guys as they have not been here since Christmas.
Jen's got a long list of things that they can do, I'm thinking the lake will get the most attention this weekend. Weather reports have Saturday as just Gorgeous. As you may or may not know
at the lake it's "ALWAYS" High Tide. They have a nice sandy beach at our association beach and after getting past a few very small pebbles at the shore line it's then a sandy bottom.
Jen and I took a dip into the lake the other day ( No photos of that!!!) LOL
The water was a little cool for Jen and I must admit that it took me a long while to get past the waist line and into the lake. I did 2-3 times after that do the jump in and had a great time.
No worries about JAWS in this body of water.......It's funny how a movie from over 30 years ago comes to my mind each and every time I hit the water.
How many of you think of the same thing at some point while swimming?????
Anyhow a couple that lives full time on West Caroga lake invited us over for a few steaks on the barbee tonight, Jen's making Special Brownies..........,,,,to bring over. Their house is water front and it looks like we are going to have a very nice night.
Til next time Gang.....Jerry
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Adding Nothing to our List of Things to Do
I am talking about adding Nothing as a something to do. All too often we are just so busy that doing nothing is not an option. This morning Jerry and I had a long overdue conversation about adding Nothing to our list. Because our list is so full of somethings, that we are missing the opportunity to do nothing and enjoy it. And so, apparently we must make a conscious decision to do Nothing as part of our daily schedule. This way, it will be perfectly acceptable because it has appeared on a list that we have been working off since last year. Does any of this make sense? Let me explain. Since moving here full time last July of 2008, we have managed to complete the following jobs: new roof, new bathrooms upstairs and down, new kitchen, new front porch, painting and decorating the bathrooms and Allison's room, securing the wood for our room, which must be done before October hits, or all that wood will be under snow. New appliances, new laundry room, flooring in the hallway and a new truck and plow. The Studio has its wall sealant done and now needs the flooring finishing done. Now this may not seem like a terribly daunting list, but for us it was major. All the construction work required trips to Home Depot/Lowes and that was no small undertaking. As it stands we have a few things that need to be done before the weather changes, and as our local weatherman so happily informed us this morning, the summer weather is now turning towards fall and will be cooling off mildly but progressively at night. WTF? We haven't even turned on the AC yet! And he's talking about fall? WAIT A MINUTE! I'm not done with summer yet. We both decided this morning, we have too many things we want to do this summer to allow fall to start arriving. And one of those things is nothing. We have been dabbling in Nothing for the past few days and are finding that we are enjoying it. Yesterday, we actually went and sat on the beach at East Caroga Lake because we had so thoroughly enjoyed it on Saturday and the weather was again a perfect beach day. Normally, Monday through Friday is reserved for "projects". That is when all the above mentioned projects were done. I'm sure I left a few off, but my point is that we have been very productive the past year. The weekends are reserved for guests and activities. So when Monday came around, we were back in the "get it done" mode. Laundry got done, cleanup got done, and then Tuesday hit and we just weren't feeling like getting it done. I've become quite a fan of the afternoon nap, and Jerry is also learning how to relax. We used to look on this as a bad thing, or even a character flaw. Lazy. We are seeing it differently now.
We have reached that point where we can look at it as a wise choice. There are so many things to do that require us to stop a moment and look around. Little by little these things are taking up the majority of our time. Relaxing takes time. And we don't always allow ourselves that kind of time, and so we are not relaxed. And wasn't that the whole point? I keep forgetting that we are our own boss now, and I can call my shots. This is finally dawning on me, and guilt has no place in this equation. It has taken me a year, and Jerry is not far behind, but we are becoming wise enough to recognize the importance of doing Absolutely Nothing. So much so that we are willing to book it onto our list. Nothing. What are we doing today? Nothing.
Add it to your list of things to do. I highly recommend it.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Weekend Update...I'm Chevy Chase and your Not!!! (For those of you who are fans of S.N.L.)
Well Gang ........We had a great weekend ! Jen's cousins came up, Carrie,Lorrie and Lorrie's two children
,Charlie and Emma. We ate a little Ice Cream at a Local stand.
Carrie trying to figure out if she like Vanilla or chocolate...Two fisted eater.
Charlie Doing a good job!
Emma seems to have gotten a little on her face.
It was a busy nite at the Ice Cream store.
We also did a little swimming at Caroga Beach where they Gave away free popcorn.
That's Carrie,Lorrie and Charlie out on the paddle boat, Caroga Lake.
Cathy M. Making Popcorn for the kids at the lake.
Carrie and Charlie getting ready to do a little swimming
Blue Berry Picking at Dan's mothers house.....Look at the size of those berries!!
Dan, Far right in red hat giving us a tour of his mom's garden.
Lorrie and Emma have a little play time during lunch break
Jen in the Blue Berry patch.
Working hard....Picked at least 1/2 bushel
Carrie & Emma
Jen still working hard!!!!
Lorrie working hard too!
Emma picking Mulberry's from the tree.
Jen had to give up that spot at the request (Demand?) of Emma
A little lunch.
Well that's a little eye candy for you.. a great time was had by all!
Charlie also learned to ride a 2 wheeler over the weekend. With a little more help he will be off on his own.
Thanks guys for coming up.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the family soon .
Jackie & Jessie heading up next weekend with friends.
Brian & Ashly, Nicole ,Mike and Payton, Walter we miss you guys too. Hope to see you soon.
Ali Just headed down to the Island for a month stay with her dad, heading for Fla. I hear, Have a fantastic time and enjoy yourself Ali. We miss you already.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Update !!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Back to Normal
We're home again after a whirlwind weekend traveling the northeast. A wedding in Connecticut on Saturday allowed us to visit with family and friends and celebrate the nuptuals of my cousin Linda and her husband Keener. What a great time we had. The wedding and reception were at Storrs Connecticut on the campus of the University of Connecticut-UCONN country. It was a great time and we were thrilled to be there. The trip home was a bit of a drag, as we were heading past our house, which was 3.5 hours from the wedding, and continuing on to Hubbardsville to drop Allison at camp. Just outside of our exit (28-Fonda Fultonville) we made a quick stop at the Pattersonville rest stop to ready ourselves for the last 1.5 hour leg of the trip. It was there that my insulin pump became dislodged, and I became unhinged. Both in relation to the other. The pump is attached through a small port which is inserted into my stomach, and pumps insulin continuously. When it is working it is a beautiful thing. I had packed an extra set of works because we were going to be overnight and I wasn't due for a cartridge change until Monday night. We would be back long before then, so I of course figured one extra set would be plenty. Wrong. When the pump became accidently dislodged, I went back to the car and proceeded to reload the pump and insert a new port. When that port went in incorrectly and had to be removed (and cannot be reused-of course) I then proceeded to melt down internally. I knew that bringing one extra set-up was dangerous, because bringing one of anything is dangerous, but especially medical requirements. Sometimes, I get it in my head that I can pack lightly and be spontaneous and free-youthful and unemcumbered. Bad call all around. This was not to be. I now realized that we would have to "swing by" the house so that I could grab another pump set-up (which really, would packing TWO set-ups have set me back so dramatically?) and continue on our way, which was already wearing thin as we had been in in the car for 3.5 hours and were tired. Allison was anxious to get to camp and get started on her week without us, and here we were hammering her with details of our medical inadequacies. It was a sad moment. "Swinging by" our house would really tack on another 15 minutes up the mountain and another 15 minutes down. Not terrible. I was trying to hang onto the fact that it could have been worse, truly. But sometimes looking on the bright side is just so frigging exhausting. At that moment I preferred to wallow in self-pity and aggravation. It just felt better. Jerry's Oscar nomination will be arriving soon, I'm sure, as he was the epitomy of restraint. The thing is, I always know when Jerry is annoyed because he says NOTHING. He may as well rant and rave because it has the same effect on me. He is annoyed and I respond to him in my mind because he is not allowing for verbal discourse by keeping quiet. So the arguments we have are usually in my head with me winning, naturally. That is the beauty of silent arguments. You can end them however you see fit. It works for us. I ran into the house and said a quick hello to the dogs, who were somewhat confused as to my brief appearance and disappearance. Possibly a vision? We didn't take the time to walk or give them any attention as they had been attended to by our friends Dan and Jennie not long before that. I just literally blew in and blew out. They were confused. They will adjust, I'm sure. Or not. Back on the road and back on track. Arriving at camp at 2 PM, we were just in time for Allie to jump into her bathing suit and be in the pool for swimming clearance, where they decide what level of pool rights you will be given according to your abilities. She was cleared for all of it, and we were sent on our way, rather abruptly. I like long lingering good byes that allow for full emotion and embraces. Allison was outta there. My tender hug was met with a blank stare and no response. Aaahh. Motherhood. Back on the road, we headed for the last leg of our trip, which was 1.5 hours in the car. Stopping at Stewart's just before the ride up the hill, we treated ourselves to a huge Butter Pecan ice cream cone because we deserved it. Sugar be damned! Arriving home, I called it a day at 5:30 or so. Technically, I went to watch TV in our room, but realistically, I went to bed. I thought I was better for it this morning, awakening rested and calmer after a whirlwind tour. But ten minutes into my morning I opened the dog food bin and was greeted by a mouse, who was just as surprised as I was to find us looking at each other, and both of us realizing the bin was empty. So yes, we're back to normal. Life here is chaos. I am beginning to realize that life EVERYWHERE is chaos, and we're just living it the best way we can. Hanging on for the ride and finding humor whenever we can. If there is another way, let me know. I'm open to suggestions.
Friday, July 17, 2009
What is it about 4-H that makes me feel so inadequate? I mean, these kids are 7 and 8 years old and they are milking and caring for goats and cows like I used to care for my pet hamster, and much more successfully too. My pet hampster died from neglect when I was 12. I was not a good hampster custodian. I am hoping that these skills will improve when we have livestock, but right now I will admit that I'm pretty darn intimidated by these kids. They are so self-assured and competent.
As Jerry reported, we spent a little time at the Kerwood farm picking raspberries and blueberries. It is quite an idyllic place and we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly, not to mention picking enough berries to enhance our pancakes for a good long time. The freezer is loaded with fresh berries. Come on up and enjoy them! Allison spent this time in the car, as she is not looking for idyllic anything. I was quite relieved to find that once we got to the fair, she was not interested in riding anything with me either. I even offered to get on a ride that I was sure would kill me, but in the interest of trying to keep her entertained and happy, I said I would. Thank God, she declined. I guess riding on a midway ride with your Mother is more degrading than not riding at all. Who knew? So today I am safe. But let the record show, I offered. She has other plans for the Fonda Fair in September. Like not going with us at all. Point taken. I can go hang out with 4-H. In my world that means Haggard, Hardass, Harassing, Headache. Everything a teenager dreams of. The 4H of parenthood. No problem honey, my pleasure.
News from Caroga Lake
Well Gang ....... Do you know what News stands for????????
News= North...., East....., West......, and South!!!!!
Here is the News for us. Robins are doing fine and growing every day but kinda look the same so far so no new photo. Yesterday Jen , Ali and I drove to Malta , NY with Dan and stopped at his mom's house to pick Raspberries & Blue berries the size of your thumb nail,,,,maybe bigger.
We picked about 4 quarts of Raspberries and 2 quarts of Blue Berries. Dan's mom has about a 2 acre garden and it feeds six other families......Sort of paying forward.
We did dig up some off shoots of the Raspberries to plant here at our Camp which are going in today. Get ready to Belly up to the Raspberry Bar soon as I hear that they are Great on Everything.
After that we headed to the Saratoga County Fair and wondered around and eat some Fair Food. They have a midway , rides and other games of chance. They also have a large livestock area with horses,pigs, chickens , goats,rabbits and I'm sure I forgot to list others .
The thing that most gets to me is the Horses and how LARGE they can be. They are like the size of you car . I'm not talking about the horses that you see Cow Boys Riding, Horses that pull plows or the Budweiser Beer Wagon ....Just HUGE !!!!!!!!
We had a great time looking at the 4 H Clubs entries and wild life exhibits . But we did miss the Beer Garden that they had as I was the driver.
So that's all that's NEWS here from me. I'm sure Jen with have something further to add.
Til next time Gang..........Jerry
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Full House
The Robins are two days old (Scratch that pool - they were born that night-I didn't win either.) and showing signs of a little peach fuzz. There is nothing uglier than a newborn bird. They are bald and scrawny looking. Every blood vessel is visible and gross. And yet, they are adorable. The mother Robin is attentive and guards her nest carefully. It is alot of fun to be able to watch this whole process right from the porch. I've seen nests before, but never so easily visible INTO the nest. It's very cool. We've been busy the past few days with my road trip to Binghamton (Amy, Joanne and Clint - You Rock!) and Jerry's hard work here at home, getting set for Carrie and Cheryl's visit from CA. We've been anxiously awaiting their arrival with updates and cell calls from various stages of their trip across the country. Nebraska, Indiana, Wyoming. With Allison back from her week in Montauk, we are filling up the house again. I like that. We're much happier when OUR nest is full. And the sun is out. It just doesn't get any better than this!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Robins Nest
Well Gang, We are Foster parents of what appears to be two baby Robins. The very next morning we checked and they hatched. Notice no shells left, appears the proud parents remove them right away. The night that Jen took the picture of the eggs it rained and I was thinking it was time for Noah and his Ark. Mother robin was seated tight on the nest with wind and rain blowing. This is what we found that morning.
We will keep you up dated.
Next good news...Ali is back from her week away of camping out on the east end of Long Island, some sun burn and some tan.
Welcome home, we missed you... Check her Face Book, I sure she will be posting photos .
One week home and then she is gone again to do more camping.
Saturday Night Jen & I helped out at the "Glove Theater", Taking tickets at the door and helping out at the food counter. They had a great turn out for Elvis.
Was a late night for us , getting home after 11 pm...somebody has to help clean up.
We are waiting for Jen's cousin, Carrie and a friend to arrive here at the camp, they are driving from California and stopping here. They will be staying atleast overnight , then heading south to L.I. in the next day or two.
Thats all that is news for now.
Til Next time Gang..........Jerry
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The neighbors
Now, if you lean your head to the right and make the right side of this picture the top (in your line of vision) you can see the bush to the side of the porch that is housing our new neighbors, the Robin family. Red Breasted robins to be exact (Jerry is looking it up as we speak). I have seen alot of activity in and about this bush but didn't realize why until today.
That's right, two robin's eggs, nestled safely in this bush by the side of our house, directly underneath our bedroom windows. This is a really nice thing to have. I am now keeping this nest as safe and protected as possible, because we actually have other neighbors who are not so much fun.
The neighbors I am referring to live across the street on a part time basis. We have had an uneasy truce with these neighbors because they continue to let their dogs run around the neighborhood leashless and unchecked, therefore making it impossible for us to keep our dogs on our property because they are chasing their dogs (three or four or five, depending on who their guests are) who come on our property, poop, and leave. It is really a pain in the butt, but they are only weekenders (for now) so it's not that big a deal. Someday I see a fence in our future, but for now we held an uneasy truce. Until now. Last night their newest canine friend, a pitbull, arrived on our porch with his teeth bared and looking for a fight with our dogs. I was inside on the right side of the storm door and their dog the pitbull came right up to the door and was trying to get on my side of the door without invitation. I closed the main door in his face and stayed inside. I don't want to fight with the neighbors, but I now have a large stick on the porch, and I will use it if I have to. I just hope that is ENOUGH to enable me to be the winner in that fight. I don"t love their dog. Not a big fan. Call me prejudiced, but I don't feel the love from pitbulls. Never have. And this pitbull is non-neutered which means he has a set, for real. He's looking to make a point and I think I'm it. So I will continue to see things from my porch (such as these beautiful blue robins eggs) and pretend that things are just fine in this neighborhood. Just fine. But I now carry a big stick.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Bike Riding on the "Rail Trail"
Well Gang two posts in one day.......We did some riding on the "Rail Trail" which I hear from Jen was once rail road tracks that are no longer used and now paved over for walkers,runners and bikers like us. Our 1st time and what a beautiful ride it was. I'm sure Jen will have more to tell you about it.
Here are some Photo's
The trail that runs through back yards and parks.
I believe this building was a station of some sort back when trains used this path
A Day Of Fishing
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Flintstone Fire Department
I remember well the episode of the Flintstones when Barney and Fred joined the fire department in order to get a "boys night out". The alarm would go off and they would meet up with their friends at the firehouse to play cards, etc. The reason this comes to mind is because I am getting ready for another road trip to pick up Allison from her Montauk trip and I realized that Dan's Jennie is away at a Vegan conference, and Rich is alone at their camp as Julie is working down home. How did this happen? Was it merely a coincidence? I can't imagine this perfect storm of bachlorhood happening without some pre-planning. Maybe the three girls did not exhibit the due-diligence required for these three fellas. I'm not sure, but I'm a little suspicious of the whole thing. Already today a fishing trip is brewing. and Jerry is talking about taking out some pizza dough from the freezer and whipping up his famous pizza. For whom? Now, I'm not pointing any fingers but I have been trying to go fishing for a week now, and we've been just too busy. How is it that the day I am driving to Long Island they are now planning a fishing trip? What's that about? I want to go fishing! I am getting my fishing license this week. For sure. I am quite sure Allison will not be interested in joining me. Hopefully Jerry will not be "all fished out". We'll see. How many pizza doughs do you need for one guy? What's going on? The tile is drying beautifully and we both managed to put off the grout for another few days. It looks so great I am almost afraid to do the next step. This is procrastination at its finest. We'll think on this for a few days. As you can see by our blogs, things here are quiet. Very, very quiet. I guess that is what summer is all about. Quiet. That's how I'm leaving here anyway. I have a feeling that as soon as that jeep pulls out of town the quiet will be coming to an end. A Flintstone's Fire, if you know what I mean.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Venus and Mars ????
OK Gang I read that a couple of times.... I guess all went well, best I can figure.
I had been working on a Blog for today and it had a nice video of Jen working on a song which I thought was GREAT.. But changed my mind about posting that and some other photo's from Breezy Point.
We did not grout today......we took a break and did a little shoppin at the dollar store, I got a hair cut or I got a Hair cut at the dollar store??? LOL
Nope I got a good hair cut and it was not at the dollar store.
After that we had lunch out and came home for a "Nap" that we both needed.
Weather has been crazy here , sun out over there but dark rain clouds here. Then the sun comes out.
Other then that all quiet .....Crock Pot been working all day and at some point Jen and I will have a nice dinner which was cooked for us in that Crock Pot.
Or we might head back For another "Nap" Woooo-Hooo! And maybe no dinner, it's that kind of day, Just save it for another day.
Rifle shots are being fired in the area and dogs are running for cover...Must be getting close to hunting season.........or dinner time.
We watched "America's Got Talent" on NBC last night and I believe part two on tonight.
We also watched the new show before that, cant recall the name of the show but it's about 7 families driving cross country in motor far it's seems OK......not sure yet.
Next Saturday Jen and me volunteering at the Glove Theater, working the soda, food counter while an Elvis show preformed. Good to help out for a good cause.
So that's about it for today,
Til next time Gang..........Jerry
Venus and Mars Tile the Backsplash
Yes, we did it. We tiled the backsplash without incident, which is remarkable in and of itself. But the real miracle is that it looks nice, and we both like the finished product. We managed to go to Home Depot, pick up the extra tiles that we needed, make a few stops for incidentals and get home to complete the job, all without any harsh words or misunderstandings. What is happening to us? Are we learning to compromise? Are we learning to get along in the unstructured time frame of retirement? It's possible. When you spend this much time together it is inevitable that differences will arise. You cannot spent 24/7 with someone without having a moment of difference or hurt feelings. That is impossible. What really matters is not that you live without differences or even expect to get along smoothly and anger-free. What matters is that you learn how to get past these moments of non-harmony without leaving permanent injury. It appears with this job at least that we have jumped over this hurdle. Now let me add that we have not done the grout yet. It demands a 24 hour minimum dry time between adhesive and grout. With the rain and humidity we decided that AT LEAST 24 hours was the way to go. So today we are off for another excellent adventure. We know that we need a few sundries from the grocery, and Jerry is talking haircut, but other than that - destination; unknown. Allison is away camping with a friend at Hither Hills in Montauk. It has been so quiet here, we're not used to it at all. With Chuck and Pam here for a few days, we had the opportunity to get some fun in as well as some of the work. I know who to call when you need a job done. Pam is a relentless gardener. Pulling the weeds from the pond was a thankless task, and she jumped right in and took over. High five Pam. It would still be overgrown if it wasn't for her efforts. I am thrilled. I look at the calendar and realize we are essentially halfway through summer. It is a scary thought. We have yet to break 90 degrees, my comfort zone. Jerry is itching to turn on the AC, but we have had no reason to as of yet. This is crazy. I'm still doing the wool sock thing, and the down comforter has not come off the bed. Summertime. We are still waiting. I hope it gets here soon. I'm cold.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Jen's Birthday, July 4th , Pam & Chucks visit and some more Breezy Point Show Pictures
Well Gang it's been a few days so here goes.
It was Jen's Birthday on the 5Th and I'll start with that and work backwards.
Pam and Chuck came up and spent the weekend with us and it appears a great time was had by all.
We did not have cake but Pam made a batch of Brownies
Jen only wanted one candle in the ice cream above the brownie in the bowl.
It was a little cold that night too here in the Adirondacks
Pam ,Chuck , Jen,............... Jake looking to snatch away that brownie from Pam's Hand.
Before Ice Cream & Brownies we had raw clams...Yum-Yum!!!!!!
Pam getting ready to do a little clean up in our pond...
Nice outfit!!!!! No remarks from the Fashion Police, Please.
Remember this is an outfit that is OK........In the ADK'S
Pam in the Pond, Me helping from shore
Just a random shot of Me and Dan ( the Bee Guy) Cooking one night before Jen's Birthday
Pam & Chuck waiting for fireworks on the 4th at Julie & Rich's house on East Caroga Lake.
Never saw the fireworks as it got too cold and windy so we watched the Macy's display on T.V.
as it was raining here
Dave from down the road putting in a rock garden in our front yard.
Onnie & Clint playing a few tunes while Jen was staying there during the Breezy Point show.
Here are a few shots that she left out from .....THE BREEZY POINT SHOW!!!!
Jen Belting out a song....God She is great!!!!
Sorry about the focus
MaryAnne Singing.....Wish I cold sing......they make it look so easy!
Jen & MaryAnne
MaryEllen thanking the cast after the show at the Cast Party.
Good Job cast and crew......MaryEllen too!
Thanks Pam & Chuck for coming up...Had a Great Time!!!!
Well thats about it.....all caught up.......mostly. I'm sure Jen's got more to add.
Til next time gang.... Jerry
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