Saturday, July 10, 2010

AC vs. Reality

The problem with air conditioning, when there is one, is that we are under the assumption that the outside world is just as comfortable and humidity-free. When we are dressing for the day in the morning, we are dressing according to our body's temperature, and the air conditioned body has no clue as to the actual temperature or humidity out there. Such was the case when I woke up this morning and took a ride into town. My mission was to pick up a few pair of pants from the tailor for Jerry (uniform pants) and then to swing by the local farmer's market for the latest in fresh vegetables. We're at a disadvantage this year as our garden never made it past the planning stage due to our inability to see past last year's blight, and to get ourselves together after the medical and employment scheduling conflicts that took place this spring, but I digress. Suffice it to say that we are buying our veggies this year from the farmer's market. Which brings me back to our story. I was dressed in lightweight parachute pants (are these out of style? I don't know-ask the girls, they'll tell ya) and a very flimsy, gauzy long sleeve shirt. Perfect I thought, for the early morning chill that usually accompanies any trip to town at that early hour- 9 AM. As I drove down the hill (4.4 miles to the bottom at Route 101) I realized that I was seriously overdressed. I don't like the AC in the car because essentially, I'm not a big fan of AC period. I like the wind in my hair and the breeze on my face, much like Jake when he rides shotgun. AC in the car is for when you are dressed up and on your way to a wedding/funeral/party. All other times it is just in the way. But this time, I was on my way to town for nothing as serious, just a trip to the store and the market. I could see other people dressed appropriate-tank tops and shorts and sandals. You can always tell who doesn't have AC. It's a dead giveaway-they are dressed appropriately. So, I did my errands and headed back up the hill towards home, all the while not turning on the AC, just on GP's. By time I got home I was actually sweating, which for me is a big deal. I generally like the hazy hot and humid weather. But, again, it's all about the clothing. I feel that summer weather is God's way of slowing us all down, whether we want to or not. Get yourself an iced beverage and go sit in the shade. We could all learn a thing or two from the dogs. They know how to weather out a hot day. Lots of cold, fresh water and plenty of laying around. So, into the house I went to change my clothes into more appropriate summer attire and don't you know it, I was a little chilly just two seconds after stepping over the threshold. Aha! Dilemma solved. And so, I changed my clothes into shorts, sandals and tank top and I am headed out with Jerry for the day. Away from the canned air and the weird temperature. As I have said before, If you don't like the cold, don't move to Tampa. The only time I'm truly warm is in the dead of winter when it is 20 below here. THAT is when you'll find a roaring fire and a comfy seat to rest your toes on. I dream of that on the days when it is 100 degrees and humid. That's the truth.

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